Legal Tech & Managed Legal Services

Correct use of technology can make the work of legal functions easier. We support you to find the right solutions and successfully implement them in your company. With our managed legal services, we also build tailor-made applications and thus create solutions for individual challenges.

At PwC Legal, we have been dealing with the topic of legal tech intensively from the start. We see the use of technology as an opportunity to further develop our own processes and products and make them even more efficient for our clients.

We are constantly testing new tools and developing products and services for our clients ourselves. With our experience gained in process optimisation, project management, and change management, we support clients as a tech-savvy partner in legal matters.


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Our Products

Rule Keeper – automated decisions

Compliance is more important today than ever before. With the increase in legal requirements and internal regulations, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that employees comply with the rules. At the same time, the pressure on budgets makes it harder to guarantee efficient support.

With Rule Keeper, we provide help where legal, compliance, and tax departments usually experience most demand: answering recurring legal questions. Smart automation of decision-making processes can lead to a noticeable reduction in workload in these areas. At the same time, this creates real added value for employees seeking advice: Legal questions can be resolved quickly and securely in any place at any time.

Try a small selection of sample Rule Keeper applications now, and let’s digitalise your processes together in a profitable way!

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Data Protection Box – the template and training package for data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since May 2018. Do you need a checklist to assess your current status in terms of data protection? A template for data processing? Or an overview of the data retention requirements to be observed? The data protection box supports you when dealing with the essential questions around the GDPR.

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Legal Tech Know-how

“The introduction of technology in the legal field creates new challenges on many levels. With our experience in legal tech, we create new solutions. At the same time, PwC's experts also assist you in successful implementation.”

Silke GrafHead of Legal Tech & Managed Legal Services
Vienna Legal Tech

Vienna Legal Tech

It is very important to us to promote the exchange of knowledge in the field of legal tech and thus contribute to the further development of digitalisation in the legal sector. That is why we have been the main sponsor since 2019 of VIENNA LEGAL TECH, a one and a half day conference on digitalisation and technology in the legal field. In addition to classic technology topics such as artificial intelligence and automation tools, areas such as legal design, change management and agile working are also addressed. This expert conference is organised by the Disruption Disciples association, who will be joined from 2021 by the Business Circle.

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